Friday, July 19, 2013

Why Rape Jokes are Never a Good Idea, from the Survivor’s Point of View

So, little while ago, I went to a friend's birthday party.  And while I love my friend, he hangs out with some people I normally wouldn't be around, and of course they were there, at the party. 

Their conversation was obnoxious at best, and at times, it got simply vulgar.  What bothered me most was their apparent enjoyment of making rape jokes.  I was just sitting there, feeling extremely uncomfortable, while a good three quarters of the party laughed uproariously because someone thought it would be hilarious to insinuate that, because some girl was attractive, she'd better not go off by herself, because someone might get bored and come after her.  Or some guy tripped over another, and therefore he must have been trying to “rape” him.  Et cetera, et cetera, you get the picture.

You’re probably wondering why I just didn’t get up and do something about their behavior right then.  Normally, I'm a very outspoken person, and I don't really mind telling people what I think. (I mean, obviously, I have a blog, for goodness’ sake.) I wish I could have found the courage to say something, to tell them to stop, but at the time, it was something much easier written than said out loud.  In the middle of a situation like that, I don't know what to say.  How do I explain why it upsets me so much without crying, or punching someone, or making everyone in the room afraid to ever talk to me again?  How do I explain that I know what rape is actually like, first hand? 

How do I show someone they are forcing me to remember something I'd do anything to forget? How can I explain that making a joke about rape to my face makes me feel dismissed and dehumanized all over again?  How do I help someone understand that it makes me feel like my body, my thoughts, my self, are being laughed off as unimportant?

Do people realize what that can feel like, to never be totally secure?  To be subconsciously, or even consciously, deeply ashamed, like you’ve got a terrible deformity that always causes you pain, one you’ve got to keep hidden away, because you’re afraid that the people around you will be disgusted, or pity you, or never be able to look at you the same way again?

To have something so precious taken away from you, to make sex, something that should be wonderful, loving, special, into something ugly and painful.  To never be able to be intimate with someone, never talk about sex, without an all-too-familiar twinge at the back of your subconscious.

Rape is not, has not, and never will be, something funny.  It’s not amusing.  It’s NOT a joke.  I guarantee you that you personally know someone who’s been raped, whether they’ve told you so or not, and when you make fun of something so horrible and violating, you are hurting that someone on a deeply personal level, and you would never even realize.  When you make a rape joke, you are becoming part of the culture that makes being raped such an awful, long-lasting, negative influence on someone’s life; our whole society makes survivors of rape feel like no one is listening to them, or cares about them, that they are somehow less deserving, somehow at fault, that THEY are the ones who have committed a crime. And that is just wrong, on every possible level.

I really don’t think most people are aware of how disgusting, how hurtful they are being.  If they truly understood, and had the opportunity to take to heart what I have told you now, would they make a joke about rape?  I don’t think they would.

*Note: remember that what I have written here is based on MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with rape.  If you feel like I’ve left something out, or you have something different to add, please, by all means, tell us all about it.